IntroductionTraffic accidents constitute one of the most – if not the most – voluminous sources of noncontractual obligations worldwide. Increasing cross-border traffic and transport leads togrowing numbers of traffic accidents that include international elements. Traffic accidentspresent two noteworthy characteristics: they are dealt with, for probably more than 99percent of cases, (1) outside the court system, Читать далее
CONVENTION ON THE LAW APPLICABLE TOTRAFFIC ACCIDENTS1(Concluded 4 May 1971)The States signatory to the present Convention,Desiring to establish common provisions on the law applicable to civil non-contractual liability arisingfrom traffic accidents,Have resolved to conclude a Convention to this effect and have agreed upon the following provisions –Article 1The present Convention shall determine the law applicable Читать далее
Директива Европейского Парламента и Совета Европейского Союза 103/209 от 16 сентября 2009 года О страховании гражданской ответственности, связанной с использованием транспортных средств, и об исполнении обязательств по такой ответственности. DIRECTIVE 2009/103/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 September 2009 relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles, Читать далее